Marianne Vogel

Marianne Vogel

Marianne Vogel holds a Bachelor of Music degree in music theory from the University of Connecticut, and later continued with graduate study towards a performer’s certificate in violin at the Hartt School of Music. Major teachers have been Mickey Reisman and David Spicer. Marianne plays regularly with the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra and the Connecticut Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, as well as the Springfield and Waterbury Symphonies. Other interests include historical performance on strings, keyboard accompaniment, and organ playing.

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Member Bios

Sarah Washburn
Marianne Vogel
John Biatowas
Anne Berry

Upcoming Concerts

This Is It! 2.0: The Complete Chamber Music of Neely Bruce - Part V

Sunday, February 9, 2025, 3pm
Crowell Concert Hall
Wesleyan University


A Partita for Aymeric Dupré la Tour

A Quartet of Fugues - featuring fugues based on the names of the members of the WESQ